Recognizing Achievements in Wellness

The Healthcare Leadership Council today hosted a Capitol Hill briefing on partnerships in wellness and disease prevention, spotlighting significant progress being made in both workplaces and schools.  HLC also presented its first-ever Wellness Frontiers Award to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management for innovative work in elevating the health status of the federal workforce.  –  Click here for briefing materials

Pictured from left to right are those who discussed wellness initiatives at the briefing:  Jon Foley, OPM Director of Planning and Policy Analysis; HLC President Mary R. Grealy; Tom Meier, Vice President of Product Development for the Health Care Service Corporation; Angela Moskow, Vice President of Sanofi US in charge of the company’s Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Wellness; and Dr. Ginny Ehrlich, CEO, Alliance for a Healthier Generation.