New Publication Details How Private Sector Innovations are Transforming American Healthcare

Delivery System Improvements, Technological Advancements, Wellness Initiatives Discussed in Healthcare Leadership Council Compendium 

WASHINGTON –  The transformation of American healthcare is well underway and is being shaped by private sector innovations that are improving patient care quality and safety, making the healthcare system more cost-efficient and affordable and combating the escalation in chronic disease, according to a volume of healthcare success stories published today by the Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC).

The volume, “The Future is Here:  Transforming American Healthcare through Private Sector Innovation” contains over 50 metric-supported examples of healthcare progress and can be found at the HLC website at  HLC is a coalition of chief executives of the nation’s leading healthcare companies and organizations from multiple health sectors. 

In their forward to the publication, HLC Chairman Gregory Irace, President and CEO of Sanofi US, and HLC President Mary R. Grealy explain that sharing these examples is intended to achieve a larger goal.  They wrote, “Optimally, this volume will serve not only as a chronicle of how healthcare is changing before our eyes, but will also act as a blueprint for accelerated, systemwide improvements…HLC members look forward to a continuing collaboration with policymakers to expand upon these successes and achieve our shared healthcare ideals – an enhanced patient care experience, a more cost-effective system, and a population that enjoys greater health and well-being.”

Each example cited in the publication not only describes in detail the new initiative, practice or technology that is being utilized by one of the HLC members, but also provides extensive statistical evidence of the impact made in improving population health or achieving greater healthcare cost containment.

Ms. Grealy said copies of The Future is Here will be provided to members of Congress and to executive branch departments and agencies involved in health policy.

“These examples should help shape our discussions on healthcare’s future,” she said.  “We tend to focus on the difficult challenges facing our healthcare system, but this publication reconfirms that there are solutions out there.  Every day, throughout the country, private sector innovators are putting new ideas into actions, ideas that can be extrapolated to serve larger populations and meet national imperatives.”