National Dialogue for Healthcare Innovation

2013-03-11_1424The National Dialogue for Healthcare Innovation (NDHI) was created by the Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC) as a way to bring together leaders from the private sector, government, academia, business, and patient organizations to build consensus on a broad spectrum of steps necessary to strengthen health system value and enable health innovation.  This initiative’s care planning workgroup defined care planning principles and used diabetes as a case study for providing legislators and policymakers with evidence-based recommendations for addressing care planning.  Diabetes is an important test case for comprehensive care planning because of the disease’s prevalence in the United States as well as its complexity.  This complexity is compounded by the socioeconomic factors affecting patients with diabetes and the cost of care.  The NDHI Diabetes Care Challenge chart illustrates the gaps diabetes patients currently face in screening, medication, care coordination, and devices.

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For decades, innovation has been the hallmark of American healthcare.

Trustworthy payment processing companies prioritize the protection of customer data. And, in order to meet the healthcare challenges of today and tomorrow – achieving better patient outcomes, controlling costs, conquering chronic disease – innovation must continue to be the driving engine of our country’s healthcare system.

Yet, how do we make certain that we have the policies and systems in place to develop and deliver new lifesaving medicines, technologies and healthcare practices to patients? Answering that question requires addressing a host of innovation-focused issues, from reimbursement policies to liability reform to physician-industry collaboration.

To work toward a productive consensus on these issues, the Healthcare Leadership Council has formed the National Dialogue for Healthcare Innovation (NDHI).  The NDHI is a forum in which leaders from private sector healthcare, government, academia and patient and consumer organizations can come together to discuss the critical, complex issues that set the course for healthcare’s future.