Healthcare Leaders Urge Senate Passage of Medicare Physician Payment Reform Legislation

WASHINGTON – The Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC), a coalition of leading companies and organizations from all sectors of American healthcare, today urged the U.S. Senate to support H.R. 2, the “Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015” and send the legislation to President Obama for his signature.

“We are near the finish line in the effort to permanently change the way Medicare pays physicians,” said HLC President Mary R. Grealy. “With passage of this legislation, Medicare will begin transforming into a program that emphasizes value instead of volume. Better, more coordinated care will be provided to the millions of beneficiaries struggling with chronic disease. It’s time to put these sound and necessary ideas into law.” She also emphasized the importance of enacting the legislation to ensure continuing health insurance coverage for millions of America’s children.

Ms. Grealy said the reform legislation can have a far-reaching impact in improving quality of care throughout the nation’s healthcare system.

“There is important language in this measure that will promote the interoperability of electronic health record systems, a significant step in moving us closer to a national health information network. The legislation also expands the accessibility of Medicare data, which can have a tremendous impact on elevating the delivery of evidence-based care,” she said.