New Survey: Nearly 9 in 10 Seniors Satisfied with Medicare Part D

Policymakers Weighing Changes to Prescription Drug Program Must Keep in Mind Seniors’ Approval of Part D’s Choices, Value, Convenience, Medicare Today Chair Said

WASHINGTON – Ten years after its initial launch, the Medicare Part D prescription drug program remains overwhelmingly popular with American seniors, according to Medicare Today’s annual Senior Satisfaction Survey.  The nationwide survey of approximately 2,000 seniors conducted by Morning Consult found that 88 percent are satisfied with their Part D coverage and eight of every 10 believe their drug plan is a good value.

“The program continues to deliver on its promise of providing affordable access to prescription medications for seniors and individuals with disabilities,” said Mary R. Grealy, chair of Medicare Today and president of the Healthcare Leadership Council, a coalition of chief executives from all sectors of American health care. “As a result, once again beneficiaries are reporting high levels of satisfaction and demonstrating that Part D truly enriches the lives of those that rely on it.”

Key findings in the survey include:

  • 92 percent of seniors reported that their plan is convenient to use
  • 88 percent of seniors are satisfied with their prescription drug coverage
  • 86 percent said their plan works well and without hassle
  • 84 percent reported it was important to them to have a variety of plans to compare and choose from
  • 80 percent of seniors also reported their plan is a good value

Noting that some political figures have proposed significant changes to the Part D structure, Ms. Grealy stressed the importance of not disrupting a program of such high value to seniors.

“Now more than ever, it is critical that this program be safeguarded against unnecessary and potentially harmful changes that would undercut not only the longevity of the program but also the promise that we have made to our seniors,” said Ms. Grealy.

For more information and full survey results, please visit Medicare Today’s recently updated and relaunched website:



About the Survey

Morning Consult conducted a national survey of 1,969 adults who are 65 and older and have prescription drug coverage. The interviews were conducted from July 1-11, 2016. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus two percentage points.

About Medicare Today

Medicare Today is a coalition of national and local organizations representing seniors, health care providers, employers, patients and consumer groups focused on providing beneficiaries with reliable information on the Medicare program and its benefits. Medicare Today was created by the Healthcare Leadership Council, an alliance of chief executives of the nation’s leading healthcare companies and organizations from all health sectors.