Health Industry Leaders Applaud Final Market Stabilization Regulations

Administration’s Action Will Address Weakness in Health Insurance Exchanges, but Further Action Necessary to Bring Greater Stability

WASHINGTON – An organization of health industry leaders today praised the final health insurance market stabilization rules released by the Trump administration while insisting that additional steps need to be taken to strengthen the health coverage exchanges and encourage insurer participation.

Mary R. Grealy, president of the Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC), a coalition of chief executives from all health sectors, said, “The final stabilization rule addresses a number of critical flaws that were undermining stability and predictability in the exchanges.”  She cited, as key improvements, restricting misuse of “special enrollment periods,” provisions to encourage continuous coverage, and granting health insurers greater flexibility in plan design.

HLC recommended these and other health insurance market improvements in a letter to the Trump transition team prior to the inauguration.

Ms. Grealy added that, in order to prevent further market instability and to maintain coverage affordability, it is essential that the administration maintain cost-sharing subsidies while deliberations continue on changes to the Affordable Care Act.

“As insurers make decisions on whether to participate in the exchanges in 2018, the last thing we need is a major market disruption,” she said.  “As work continues to make our health insurance system more accessible and sustainable, we need continuity and predictability.”