Statement by Healthcare Leadership Council President Mary R. Grealy On Need for Bipartisan Legislative Action to Stabilize Health Insurance Markets

The nation must avoid a worst-case scenario in which many Americans lose their health coverage because of the sudden elimination of cost-sharing reduction payments that have made plans affordable for millions who purchase insurance in the individual marketplace.  It is in the best interests of the country for these payments to be legislatively secured rather than implemented through executive action.

We support and strongly encourage the development of a bipartisan legislative solution to stabilize the individual insurance marketplace.  A solution that provides assurance of continued cost-sharing reduction payments in conjunction with greater regulatory flexibility for states in carrying out the Affordable Care Act would serve the nation, and the health of our fellow citizens, well.

Optimally, this legislative action will be carried out swiftly and be just a first step in improving the health insurance market.  We are continuing to advocate that Congress, among other steps, agree upon a viable and appropriately-funded reinsurance program, a premium tax credit that is workable for low-income families not eligible for Medicaid, sensible continuous coverage requirements, and increased flexibility for health savings accounts.

Patients and consumers need a health coverage system that is affordable, workable, reliable, and sustainable.  We urge Congress to work expeditiously to enact this much-needed legislation.