Statement by Medicare Today Chair Mary R. Grealy on Proposed Legislation to Alter the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program

Washington, DC (October 25, 2017) – Healthcare Leadership Council president Mary R. Grealy, speaking on behalf of the Medicare Today coalition, made the following statement regarding proposed congressional legislation that would significantly alter the Medicare Part D prescription drug program:

“Medicare Part D is working extremely well for beneficiaries precisely because of the lack of excessive federal interference in the way the program operates.  Through price negotiations between manufacturers and payers, average Part D monthly premiums have remained affordable and will, in fact, be lower next year.  It makes no sense to have the federal government intervene in this ongoing success and pursue a route that could lead to restrictive formularies and less access to essential treatments.

“The nationwide survey commissioned this summer by Medicare Today found that nearly nine of every 10 seniors are satisfied with their Part D coverage, and a sizeable majority value the ability to choose from among competing private plans.  It would be difficult to find another federal program that has this level of popularity and effectiveness.

“Millions of seniors and beneficiaries with disabilities depend upon Medicare Part D for affordable access to needed medications.  It would be wrong to make unnecessary changes in the name of political ideology to a program that is strengthening lives.”