Health Industry Leaders Applaud Creation of Bipartisan Health Innovation Caucus

Creation of Caucus Exemplifies Congressional Support for Continued Movement to Value-Based Healthcare 

WASHINGTON – An organization comprised of leading companies from all sectors of healthcare today applauded the creation of a bipartisan Health Innovation Caucus on Capitol Hill that will be focused on encouraging new concepts in healthcare payment and delivery that will emphasized improved value and superior health outcomes.  According to the Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC), this is an important step in maintaining momentum in the ongoing transition from fee-for-service healthcare to value-focused systems.

The new caucus was announced today by U.S. Representatives Mike Kelly (R-PA), Ron Kind (D-WI), Markwayne Mullin (R-OK), and Ami Bera, M.D. (D-CA).  In their statement, they said the main focus of their work will be to “explore and advance successful, innovative payment models as well as the technologies needed to support these models.”

According to Mary R. Grealy, president of the Healthcare Leadership Council, “The private sector healthcare system has made enormous strides in recent years transitioning from the fee-for-service model to a better approach that delivers high-quality, evidence-based care with greater cost efficiency.  These lawmakers, by creating this caucus, have made a powerful statement that they will pursue policymaking to accelerate this progress.”

Ms. Grealy said her organizations and its members look forward to working with the Caucus on policy approaches that will incentivize patient-centered innovation in all aspects of healthcare while also achieving health system financial sustainability.