New Opioid-Focused TV Ads Are Important Contribution in Battle to Prevent Addiction, Health Leaders Say

Healthcare Leadership Council Praises Administration for Hard-Hitting Spots;
Will Announce Health Industry Recommendations on Opioid Abuse Prevention and Treatment Later This Month 

WASHINGTON – A series of public service television ads detailing in harsh visuals the impact of opioid addiction is a positive and much-needed step in addressing a growing national health crisis, the president of the Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC) said today.

“The Trump administration is demonstrating, through these hard-hitting TV spots, the gravity it is bringing to the opioid crisis,” said HLC president Mary R. Grealy.  “These television ads are compelling and disturbing in showing the physical and psychological devastation that accompany addiction.  In addition to the steps that must be taken to strengthen opioid misuse prevention and treatment, this public messaging is vitally important.”

The Healthcare Leadership Council is an alliance of healthcare companies from all sectors of healthcare.  HLC, joining with several other healthcare, business and treatment and rehabilitation organizations, recently hosted a national summit to discuss the opioid crisis.  These organizations will be releasing a comprehensive set of recommended legislative, regulatory and industry-initiated actions on June 20.

HLC has also published a compendium of innovations already taking place in multiple health sectors to address opioid addiction and misuse.

“We applaud the administration’s commitment and creativity in taking on the complex, challenging problem of opioid abuse, and we look forward to engaging in the public-private partnerships that are necessary in winning this battle,” Ms. Grealy said.