Healthcare Leaders Praise Lawmakers for Including Key Healthcare Provisions in COVID-19 Relief Package

WASHINGTON – The Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC) applauded congressional leaders for including provisions in the just-passed COVID-19 relief package that will strengthen both healthcare quality and access during the current public health crisis.

HLC president Mary R. Grealy cited a number of provisions her organization, comprised of leading companies from all health sectors, had been advocating, including:

  • $4.25 billion in additional mental health and substance use disorder services and support.
  • The creation of 1,000 new Medicare-funded graduate medical education residency positions, prioritized for rural hospitals, hospitals serving areas with shortages of health professionals, and hospitals that have reached their resident limits.
  • Increased investments in programs that will provide patients greater online access, including $7 billion for broadband development and $250 million for the Federal Communications Commission’s telehealth program.
  • An additional $9 billion in relief funds for healthcare providers – which includes a delay in the scheduled 2021 Medicare sequester — with additional flexibility in how that money can be utilized.
  • Federal funding for community health centers through fiscal year 2023.

Ms. Grealy said she is encouraged that President-elect Biden and congressional leaders are discussing the possibility of additional COVID-related legislation early in 2021 in which additional healthcare priorities can be addressed


For Immediate Release
December 22, 2020
Contact: Kelly Fernandez  202-449-3452