Statement by Healthcare Leadership Council President Mary R. Grealy on the work of the HHS Vaccine Consultation Panel

The Healthcare Leadership Council has been honored to participate on the Department of Health and Human Services’ Vaccine Consultation Panel, created by HHS Secretary Alex Azar to engage leading healthcare experts and influential organizations on the critically important task of vaccinating Americans against COVID-19. This is a massive undertaking and we applaud Secretary Azar and his team for recognizing the importance of having the private and public sectors collaborating on the mission of vaccine education and public outreach.

With the work currently being done by HHS on vaccine distribution and administration, including expanding distribution sites and broadening the eligibility of who can receive a vaccine to ensure that all doses are being utilized, a strong foundation is being put in place for the Biden Administration to utilize in distributing more vaccines as they become available in 2021.

The Healthcare Leadership Council, comprised of leading companies from every sector of American healthcare, will be engaged in 2021 in public information and education activities – working with the Biden Administration and the dedicated organizations that have been engaged with the Vaccine Consultation Panel — to encourage all individuals to become vaccinated when vaccines become available in order to bring an end to this pandemic.



For Immediate Release
January 14, 2021
Contact: Kelly Fernandez  202-449-3452