Statement by Healthcare Leadership Council President Mary R. Grealy on the Importance of Passing Telehealth Legislation

Now that the U.S. House of Representatives has passed the Advancing Telehealth Beyond COVID-19 Act by an overwhelming bipartisan majority, we strongly encourage the U.S. Senate to do the same and bring greater certainty to telehealth providers and the patients who utilize, value and benefit from these services.

It is inarguable that telehealth and virtual care are valuable assets to the healthcare system. In 2020, over 52 million Medicare beneficiaries had a physician appointment through a virtual platform and these interactions resulted in efficient, effective care, leading to a dramatic decrease in the need for in-person follow-up or referral visits. As our healthcare system deals with high utilization rates and persistent workforce shortages, telehealth is a critically important tool.

We believe that expanded access to these services should be made permanent.  Until that occurs, though, extending the provisions that were put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic until 2024 and broadening the scope of telehealth services is a welcome and much-needed step. The Senate should pass this bill and send it to President Biden for his signature.


For Immediate Release July 28, 2022
Contact: Kelly Fernandez 202-449 3452