Statement by Mary R. Grealy, President, Healthcare Leadership Council on the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA)

As the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee conducts a hearing today on the reauthorization of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA), it cannot be said strongly enough that Congress needs to act in a bipartisan fashion and without undue delay to enact legislation that will strengthen our nation’s ability to protect public health during all possible crises.

This is a controversial topic and there is certainly disagreement over policy decisions made in recent years, but we cannot let the conflicts of the past deter us from protecting our future. Whether the next public health challenge is a natural disaster or a biological threat, we need systems in place to ensure an effective flow of essential data, a flexible and responsive supply chain, and support for our hospitals to meet surges in patient needs. These are neither Democratic nor Republican imperatives. They are steps that must be taken to protect the American people.

We look forward to substantial progress on this issue in the weeks ahead and to Congress continuing to collect and utilize the best ideas and insights from private sector and non-profit organizations with expertise in disaster readiness and response.


For Immediate Release: June 13, 2023
Contact: Kelly Fernandez, (202) 449-3452