Healthcare Leadership Council Commends Congressional Efforts to Preserve Telehealth Access and Care Delivery

WASHINGTON, DC, May 8, 2024 — The Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC), the leading health industry association representing all disciplines of American healthcare, commends Chairman Jason Smith and Ranking Member Richard Neal for convening today’s markup of crucial healthcare legislation. As expressed in today’s letter to the Ways and Means Committee, HLC strongly supports legislation to preserve the significant access to care for patients that telehealth offers across the nation.

Particularly, HLC supports H.R. 8261, the “Preserving Telehealth, Hospital, and Ambulance Access Act.” This legislation, crucial for maintaining healthcare access, reflects the pivotal role telehealth has played in ensuring individuals receive vital medical services, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. HLC strongly encourages Congressional action to protect telehealth flexibilities, which significantly enhance access to care for patients.

“Expanding patients’ access to care depends on the ability to embrace and invest in telehealth technologies,” said Maria Ghazal, President and CEO of the Healthcare Leadership Council. “But our industry requires long-term certainty and support from policymakers to make the investments needed to fully realize the potential of innovative care delivery. We encourage the Ways and Means Committee to advance legislation that provides a stable foundation for telehealth, enabling our healthcare system to evolve to meet the changing needs of patients.”

HLC is committed to collaborating with Congress to ensure critical access to healthcare services, especially for seniors and vulnerable populations, through innovative telehealth delivery.