
A Wise Withdrawal on Altering Medicare Part D

May 21, 2015

This morning, the House Energy and Commerce Committee voted unanimously – a rare event in these fractious political times – to send its 21st Century Cures legislation to the full … Continued

Why the Roe-Sanchez Bill Matters

May 6, 2015

Thanks to the healthcare industry’s success in containing per-capita Medicare cost increases, it’s easy to make the case that there’s no urgency to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB).  … Continued

Dr. Murthy’s Mission

May 1, 2015

Last week, Dr. Vivek Murthy, the new U.S. Surgeon General was officially sworn into office.  In his speech to the ceremony attendees, Dr. Murthy described his mission for a stronger … Continued

The Lasting Resonance of a Summit on Health Care Value

March 18, 2015

On March 2, the Healthcare Leadership Council, as part of its National Dialogue for Healthcare Innovation (NDHI) initiative, brought together over 70 leaders from organizations and institutions that design, implement … Continued

“They Want to See The Evidence”

January 28, 2015

I guess it shouldn’t be surprising that a television news program would give a complex topic like the nation’s healthcare system a treatment that could be described as, well, glib. … Continued

Put This on the End-of-Year To Do List

November 17, 2014

There are not high expectations for this lame duck session of Congress.  We may see passage of a bill to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline and there will have to … Continued

The Meaning of Measurements

October 27, 2014

The Healthcare Leadership Council is very pleased to be supporting a conference taking place this Thursday, October 30 called “Mind the Gap:  Improving Quality Measurement in Accountable Care Systems.”  It’s … Continued

Aetna CEO: New Math for Medicare

October 22, 2014

(We have made the point often in this space that, even with the private sector’s successes in containing healthcare costs and reducing Medicare per-capita spending to historic lows, the sheer … Continued

When in Doubt, Always Opt for Choice

August 8, 2014

Earlier this year, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued proposed regulations that would have made significant, sweeping changes in the Medicare Part D prescription drug program.  Among … Continued

Research and Healthcare’s Cost-Quality Challenge

June 10, 2014

The Healthcare Leadership Council has long maintained that the nation can’t make its way toward a high-quality, cost-effective, sustainable healthcare system simply through arbitrary cuts in healthcare expenditures and controlling … Continued