January 28, 2015
I guess it shouldn’t be surprising that a television news program would give a complex topic like the nation’s healthcare system a treatment that could be described as, well, glib. … Continued
December 5, 2014
I want to bring to your attention an op-ed piece that appeared on the Government Health IT website this week because it goes right to the heart of the issues … Continued
October 27, 2014
The Healthcare Leadership Council is very pleased to be supporting a conference taking place this Thursday, October 30 called “Mind the Gap: Improving Quality Measurement in Accountable Care Systems.” It’s … Continued
March 11, 2014
If I had the ability to make anything required reading for the powers that be in Washington, D.C., it would be Dr. Marc Grodman’s blog post on The Hill’s website. … Continued
April 4, 2011
Last week, my organization, the Healthcare Leadership Council, joined with two distinguished healthcare leaders, Dr. Louis W. Sullivan and Tommy Thompson, both former secretaries of the Department of Health and … Continued
January 10, 2011
Even before Congress passed the Affordable Care Act, the actual process of reforming our healthcare system was already taking place at locales throughout the country. In all sectors of American … Continued
July 13, 2010
An organization of health industry chief executives today applauded federal regulators for being responsive to the concerns of hospitals and physicians in constructing the final “meaningful use” regulations that will … Continued
June 25, 2010
There is an interview well worth reading on Kaiser Health News today. Kate Lorig is the director of the Patient Education Research Center at Stanford University and is the creator … Continued
March 25, 2010
The op-ed piece by Deborah Peel, who heads the Coalition for Patient Privacy, that appeared in The Wall Street Journal this week received an inordinate amount of attention. That’s because … Continued
January 12, 2010
We hear it all the time. It’s a nonstop drumbeat. Healthcare in the United States is too expensive and too low in quality compared to other countries. Critics are constantly … Continued
Kelly Fernandez
(202) 449-3452