
Washington’s Economic Disconnect

January 7, 2013

The December employment report issued by the Department of Labor found that the health care sector was responsible for one of every three new jobs created during the month.  This … Continued

Cause and Effect: Why People Don’t See the Impact of Provider Cuts

December 10, 2012

A survey conducted this November by the PricewaterhouseCooper consulting firm found that nearly 70 percent of the American public wants President Obama to make curbing healthcare costs his top health … Continued

Dr. Noseworthy’s Invitation

November 14, 2012

Now that the smoke has cleared and the 30-second ads have (thankfully, to many) left the airwaves until the next election cycle, it’s time for policymakers to refocus their attention … Continued

What Medicare Beneficiaries Need to Know about Part D Open Enrollment

October 26, 2012

The Medicare Part D Open Enrollment period began on October 15 and will continue through December 7.  When the Part D program began, the Healthcare Leadership Council created the Medicare … Continued

The Impending IPAB Deadline

October 24, 2012

After the new Congress takes its oath of office in January, it will have no shortage of big issues on its plate.  Among them should be a reconsideration of the … Continued

Are Smartphones Leading to Smarter Healthcare?

October 12, 2012

A topic of conversation for years in health policy circles involved how to get patients and consumers more personally engaged in their own healthcare.  We’ve held the conviction for quite … Continued

Dr. Villalobos’s Story

October 2, 2012

This month, a guest editorial in the Odessa (TX) American spoke volumes about the state of medical liability laws in the United States, a patchwork quilt of vastly different liability … Continued

Determining the Value of a Message by its Messenger

September 27, 2012

We’re still learning exactly how to maximize the value of social media channels in communicating important health information to patients and consumers.  A number of private healthcare providers and companies, … Continued

The Price of Not Knowing

May 24, 2012

The last few years have seen a big push in various quarters to restrict the interaction between physicians and pharmaceutical company representatives.  Harvard University, for example, declared that pharma reps … Continued

More on IPAB

March 2, 2012

Following the House Energy and Commerce health subcommittee’s 17-5 bipartisan vote on Wednesday to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), there has been some important commentary on the issue … Continued