
Diagnosing IPAB as a Bad Concept

February 28, 2012

Tomorrow (Wednesday, Feb. 29), the House Energy and Commerce health subcommittee is scheduled to vote on legislation that would repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB).  IPAB is the provision … Continued

The Utah Experiment and the Importance of Information

February 24, 2012

Massachusetts received the lion’s share of attention, but one other state had also created a health insurance exchange before Congress passed the Affordable Care Act health reform law.  The Utah … Continued

What’s a “Fair Share” for Medicare Beneficiaries?

February 17, 2012

There’s a very illuminating story in the newest edition of National Journal (no, I can’t link to the article because it’s subscription-only material, but I urge you to check out … Continued

Medical Liability Reform: An Inside Look at the Obstacles

February 10, 2012

A great deal of news was made last month when journalist Ryan Lizza gained access to and posted a 56-page memo that was written by White House economic advisor Lawrence … Continued

The Ramifications of an Unwise Tax

February 7, 2012

Even before its implementation, for which the Internal Revenue Service issued regulations last Friday, the medical device tax is already taking a heavy toll. Late last year, a major device … Continued

The Two-Way Street of Medicare Reform

February 3, 2012

Earlier this week, I posted in this space about the need for Congress to take the issue of entitlement reform seriously, and to avoid undermining serious discussion about proposals to … Continued

The Inadequacy of 30-Second Sound Bites

February 1, 2012

In its annual budget and economic outlook, the Congressional Budget Office has clearly outlined one of the most serious fiscal challenges the country is facing.  As the U.S. population ages, … Continued

Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man Need Not Apply

January 30, 2012

If you smoke tobacco, you’re not going to be hired for a job by the Baylor Health Care System.  For that matter, you don’t need to waste time filling out … Continued

The Danger of Information without Context

January 24, 2012

If you’ve ever watched the movie “The Sixth Sense,” you see what a talented director and writer can accomplish by withholding critical information from the audience.  In that movie (and, … Continued

A Crack in the Wall

December 15, 2011

If there ever seemed an issue, in today’s political environment, upon which Democrats and Republicans would never meet in the middle, it is Medicare reform.  This is always particularly true … Continued