
Reviving Discredited Ideas

April 19, 2011

Washington’s newly-intense interest in deficit reduction is, by and large, a good and necessary thing.  There is no question that our nation’s economic health and the security of future generations … Continued

IPAB Dissent Disregards Party Lines

April 15, 2011

It’s worth noting that, in the same week that President Obama cited the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) as a key tool in cutting future Medicare costs, a House Democrat … Continued

A Food Writer Brings Perspective to the Budget Battles

April 14, 2011

Sure, the topical thing to do in this space today would be to comment on the President’s deficit reduction speech and the contrast between the Obama budget plan and the … Continued

The Week’s Most Interesting Healthcare Reading (that you might have missed)

April 8, 2011

As we do every Friday, here are some of the more interesting, and important, healthcare stories of the week that may not have caught your attention: Julie Appleby of Kaiser … Continued

World Health Day: A Focus on Keeping Medicines Effective

April 7, 2011

Today is World Health Day and this year’s theme is antimicrobial resistance, a growing problem that threatens to treat illness and prevent disease with medications. Instead of simply issuing a … Continued

“A Useless Piece of Plastic”

April 6, 2011

Before we get too far along in the week, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to highlight an article by Robert Pear of the New York Times that appeared … Continued

The Supreme Court and the Importance of Information

April 4, 2011

Last week, my organization, the Healthcare Leadership Council, joined with two distinguished healthcare leaders, Dr. Louis W. Sullivan and Tommy Thompson, both former secretaries of the Department of Health and … Continued

Health Reform and Academic Medical Centers

April 1, 2011

Dr. Herb Pardes, the president and chief executive officer of New York-Presbyterian Hospital (and a member of the Healthcare Leadership Council), spoke yesterday at the National Press Club and made a … Continued

The Week’s Most Interesting Healthcare Reading (that you might have missed)

March 25, 2011

The one year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act wasn’t the only significant healthcare news this week.  Here are links to some interesting and important reports you may have missed. … Continued

Toasting the Indisputable

March 24, 2011

There has been much ado made this week over the one year anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act.  And, just as was the case a year ago, … Continued