
When Sand Gets in Your Eyes

May 7, 2013

I’m pretty certain that no one has ever successfully made the case that life-changing advances in modern medicine have come as the result of physicians and researchers keeping their heads … Continued

IPAB Repeal: Why It Continues to Matter

April 25, 2013

Defense of the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) has grown weak with time.  It was once hailed as a mechanism that would put real teeth into the effort to reduce … Continued

National Healthcare Decisions Day Spotlights Advance Directives

April 16, 2013

Each April 16, the Healthcare Leadership Council joins organizations across the nation in raising awareness of the importance of advance care planning.  Of course, this is an issue with year-round … Continued

Dr. Noseworthy Meets the Press

April 11, 2013

In a week that has featured the back-and-forth crossfire between pundits and lawmakers over budget priorities, it was refreshing to have a genuine healthcare expert, Mayo Clinic President and CEO … Continued

The Sequester and Lessons About Health Spending Cuts

April 4, 2013

A post by Sarah Kliff on the Washington Post’s Wonkblog site is getting a lot of attention this morning.  She reported that cancer clinics across the country are turning away … Continued

The Medical Device Tax and Cynical Assumptions

March 27, 2013

When the U.S. Senate, in the course of adopting a budget resolution, overwhelmingly passed an amendment to repeal the Affordable Care Act’s medical device tax, Washington did what it does … Continued

The Neighborhood Pharmacy “On Steroids”

February 22, 2013

No one questions the need to reduce hospital readmissions as a major tool in containing health costs. Actually, the question is in how best to keep patients from requiring a … Continued

The Best Lines of the Night

February 13, 2013

In last night’s State of the Union address – and the Republican response – there wasn’t much said on the topic of health care on a night largely devoted to … Continued

Attacking the National Obesity Problem, Community by Community

January 18, 2013

An important development took place today in the war against obesity, one of the nation’s most significant healthcare challenges.  At the winter meeting of the U.S. Conference of Mayors in … Continued

Taxes and Consequences

January 11, 2013

When health insurance premiums go up, howls of indignation are almost certain to follow.  We’re seeing that in various news stories around the country right now, as likely premium hikes … Continued