
Just Saying It’s So Doesn’t Make It So

February 15, 2011

Now that gasoline is over three dollars a gallon, I wince a little every time I fill up my car.  It would be nice to have the power to simply … Continued

Bringing Private Sector Innovation to Federal Health Reform Efforts

February 3, 2011

There’s no question that, if we’re ever to have effective health reform in this country, improving our healthcare delivery system has to come through a public-private partnership. One of the … Continued

The First Wave Makes Shore

January 3, 2011

The Baby Boom generation – defined by the Census Bureau as those Americans born between 1946 and 1964 – is often referred to as a ‘demographic tidal wave.’  That’s because … Continued

Cause And Effect

September 8, 2010

According to an article in today’s Wall Street Journal, health insurers are letting it be known that they will be filing applications with some states to raise premiums, primarily on … Continued

The National Dialogue for Healthcare Innovation

August 5, 2010

This summer, the Council for American Medical Innovation, a group headed by former Democratic Congressman Dick Gephardt, issued a report that raised concerns.  The report said that, while the United … Continued

Avoiding the Price Control Trap

July 9, 2010

Let’s begin with a couple of basic truths. First, that government-imposed price controls are antithetical to genuine, consumer-focused health reform.  The only way to achievable sustainable reform that improves health … Continued

Another Newspaper Discovers The Medicare Access Problem

June 21, 2010

Last Friday in this space, we examined the impact public programs like Medicare and Medicaid, with their underpayments for healthcare services, are having on escalating healthcare costs for employers and … Continued

Why Will Employers’ Healthcare Costs Rise by Nine Percent?

June 18, 2010

A report from the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Health Research Institute says that U.S. employers will see their healthcare costs increase by nine percent in 2011.  What’s instructive, in terms of setting … Continued

The New York Times Buries The Lead

June 16, 2010

Here’s why you read news stories all the way to the end. In yesterday’s New York Times, there was an interesting article about healthcare in Rwanda.  The upshot of the … Continued

The “Brave New World” of Health Insurance Markets

June 10, 2010

One of the best overviews I’ve seen of the issues facing health insurers – and, for that matter, health providers – as we move forward toward health reform implementation comes … Continued