
The Value Of Breaking Away From The Beltway

June 4, 2010

Whenever I speak to members of Congress or high-ranking officials from federal departments and agencies, I always encourage them to escape from the confines of Washington, DC and gather their … Continued

“I’m Ready for Something to Change Here”

May 26, 2010

Further dispelling the misconception that health industry leaders are opposed to health reform, one of the nation’s most respected health insurance executives, Vicky Gregg, the CEO of Blue Cross Blue … Continued

McKesson CEO on Next Steps in Health Reform

May 14, 2010

There are a couple of important facts often overlooked in the wake of congressional passage of health reform legislation.  One is that, over the next few years, approximately 30 million … Continued

Empowering Consumers to Protect Their Own Health

May 11, 2010

We’re witnessing more encouraging new developments in empowering consumers to protect their own health, and attack the chronic diseases that are the most potent cost drivers in the U.S. healthcare … Continued

Employer-Based Health Coverage and the Law of Unintended Consequences

May 7, 2010

Robert Jordan’s book, The Path of Daggers, has one of the best descriptions of the Law of Unintended Consequences.  He wrote, “Whether or not what you do has the effect … Continued

The Workplace as a Battleground for Curbing Health Costs

April 14, 2010

This week, Johnson & Johnson’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Bill Weldon added a new activity to his day—blogging.  He became a contributor, for the very first time as he … Continued

Health Reform And Medical Innovation

April 9, 2010

Throughout the recent health reform debate, policymakers spoke a great deal about coverage and access issues. There was also considerable attention paid to the challenge posed by rising healthcare costs. … Continued

Charlie Rose Gets To The Point

March 30, 2010

One of the better analyses of the health reform process I’ve seen thus far comes from a conversation between Emmy-award winning interviewer Charlie Rose and Aetna CEO Ron Williams.  The … Continued

Healthways-Blue Zones Vitality City Quest

March 26, 2010

Last week, Healthways and Blue Zones, unveiled its Healthways-Blue Zones Vitality City Quest which is a community-wide initiative with one goal: creating healthier, happier and more productive citizens.  Healthways, a … Continued

When the Popular Thing Isn’t the Right Thing

March 9, 2010

In order to boost public support for its health reform push, the White House added a new wrinkle to the Senate-passed reform bill it has, by and large, embraced.  The … Continued