
On the Air in NC

June 30, 2009

I want to thank WPTF Radio of Raleigh, NC for inviting me on the air yesterday morning to discuss health reform.  It was a good opportunity to talk about the … Continued

The Problem With Polls — Part II

June 24, 2009

Earlier this week, I offered comments regarding a New York Times/CBS News poll that claimed 72 percent of Americans supported the creation of a government-run health plan.  I said that … Continued

Doctor’s Orders for Healthcare Reform

June 22, 2009

It’s a privilege to turn this blog over to a Healthcare Leadership Council member, Dr. Herb Pardes, the president and chief executive officer of New York-Presbyterian Hospital.  Dr. Pardes had … Continued

The Problem With Polls

June 22, 2009

Those who advocate government-run healthcare have seized upon a New York Times/CBS News poll published yesterday that shows 72 percent of Americans support the idea of a government health plan … Continued

The Daschle Example

June 18, 2009

There has probably been no more vocal advocate for the idea of creating a government-run health insurance plan to compete with private plans than former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle.  … Continued

President Obama Revives The Medical Liability Debate

June 16, 2009

Even as action on medical liability reform continues to take place at the state level, there’s been a sense of resignation in Washington, DC of late that the issue would … Continued

A Busy Week for Health Reform

June 11, 2009

Some very interesting developments this week:   ·             Observers have been waiting to see where the influential American Medical Association would come down on some of the more controversial elements of … Continued

Understanding the Complexities of a Government Health Plan

June 9, 2009

I’ll be writing more on this later, but I wanted to note that Avalere Health, the highly respected firm that objectively analyzes public policies affecting healthcare, today released a report … Continued

A Case Study for Payment Reform

May 29, 2009

Daily journalism is an exercise of trying to fit an adequate amount of necessary information into a limited space or minimal time frame, whether it be print or electronic media … Continued

Sharing Views On Expanding Access And Health Delivery Reform

May 27, 2009

As I’ve mentioned before, the health reform process taking place right now differentiates itself from deliberations of the past through its openness and welcoming of diverse opinions.  Nowhere is that … Continued