
Aetna CEO: New Math for Medicare

October 22, 2014

(We have made the point often in this space that, even with the private sector’s successes in containing healthcare costs and reducing Medicare per-capita spending to historic lows, the sheer … Continued

The Burwell Direction

September 8, 2014

If her first public address as Health and Human Services Secretary is any indication, Sylvia Burwell has her department headed in a positive and much-needed direction. Speaking to an audience … Continued

Medicine, Exercise and the Importance of Patient Adherence

July 18, 2014

(This month, the Healthcare Leadership Council sponsored a Capitol Hill briefing on the importance of patient adherence in improving the quality and cost-effectiveness of healthcare.  The briefing featured expert perspectives … Continued

A Case for Retiring America’s Worst Four-Word Phrase

July 7, 2014

As summer heats up, so will the mid-year congressional campaigns.  When they do, we can unfortunately expect to hear more of the dreary rhetoric that arises every time Medicare comes … Continued

The Medicaid Standoff and the Need for Flexibility

July 2, 2014

The White House’s Council of Economic Advisors released a report this week that is clearly intended to intensify the pressure on the 24 states that have, thus far, refused to … Continued

Research and Healthcare’s Cost-Quality Challenge

June 10, 2014

The Healthcare Leadership Council has long maintained that the nation can’t make its way toward a high-quality, cost-effective, sustainable healthcare system simply through arbitrary cuts in healthcare expenditures and controlling … Continued

The Intersection of Compassion and Quality in Healthcare’s Most Challenging Moments

May 29, 2014

We’ve discussed advanced illness management previously in this space, focusing on the challenges faced by Medicare and healthcare plans and providers in examining both the cumulative costs of care provided … Continued

Making Medicare Drug Coverage Work

May 16, 2014

As those who follow the issue know, there was a great deal of activity in the first quarter of this year regarding the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit.  The … Continued

The High Costs of Ill-Considered Cost-Cutting

March 11, 2014

If I had the ability to make anything required reading for the powers that be in Washington, D.C., it would be Dr. Marc Grodman’s blog post on The Hill’s website.  … Continued

A Thoughtful Approach to Healthcare’s Most Difficult Decisions

March 6, 2014

As policymakers look for ways to address Medicare’s financial challenges and make the program more cost-efficient, it’s inevitable that the discussion will turn at some point to end-of-life care.  And … Continued