
The Medical Device Tax and Cynical Assumptions

March 27, 2013

When the U.S. Senate, in the course of adopting a budget resolution, overwhelmingly passed an amendment to repeal the Affordable Care Act’s medical device tax, Washington did what it does … Continued

The Neighborhood Pharmacy “On Steroids”

February 22, 2013

No one questions the need to reduce hospital readmissions as a major tool in containing health costs. Actually, the question is in how best to keep patients from requiring a … Continued

The Best Lines of the Night

February 13, 2013

In last night’s State of the Union address – and the Republican response – there wasn’t much said on the topic of health care on a night largely devoted to … Continued

Taxes and Consequences

January 11, 2013

When health insurance premiums go up, howls of indignation are almost certain to follow.  We’re seeing that in various news stories around the country right now, as likely premium hikes … Continued

Striking Back Against the IPAB Power Grab

January 3, 2013

One of the key criticisms of the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) is that it encroaches upon congressional powers.  The IPAB provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act … Continued

Cause and Effect: Why People Don’t See the Impact of Provider Cuts

December 10, 2012

A survey conducted this November by the PricewaterhouseCooper consulting firm found that nearly 70 percent of the American public wants President Obama to make curbing healthcare costs his top health … Continued

Bringing Surgical Precision to Public Policy

November 20, 2012

Following an election that left the White House, the U.S. Senate and U.S. House in the same hands, even the most ardent opponents of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care … Continued

Dr. Noseworthy’s Invitation

November 14, 2012

Now that the smoke has cleared and the 30-second ads have (thankfully, to many) left the airwaves until the next election cycle, it’s time for policymakers to refocus their attention … Continued

The Impending IPAB Deadline

October 24, 2012

After the new Congress takes its oath of office in January, it will have no shortage of big issues on its plate.  Among them should be a reconsideration of the … Continued

Medicare Part D: The Successes and the Challenges

October 15, 2012

The Medicare Part D prescription drug program open enrollment season begins today, October 15, and runs until December 7.  This is the time all beneficiaries should be reviewing their current … Continued