
Mixed Signals From Public Underscore Need for Medicare Innovation

March 3, 2011

A new poll shows that the American public’s desire for deficit reduction is running head-on against a strong reluctance to cut Medicare spending. According to a new NBC News/Wall Street … Continued

Just Saying It’s So Doesn’t Make It So

February 15, 2011

Now that gasoline is over three dollars a gallon, I wince a little every time I fill up my car.  It would be nice to have the power to simply … Continued

The First Wave Makes Shore

January 3, 2011

The Baby Boom generation – defined by the Census Bureau as those Americans born between 1946 and 1964 – is often referred to as a ‘demographic tidal wave.’  That’s because … Continued

Part D and Healthcare’s Future

December 24, 2010

There’s just one week left in the open season for the Medicare Part D open season, the time in which beneficiaries can join a Part D plan or engage in … Continued

More From McAllen: Medicare, Private Insurers and Containing Costs

December 8, 2010

Last year, Atul Gawande wrote an article in The New Yorker that was probably quoted more often in the health reform debate than any other news item.  He looked at … Continued

The Medicare Part D Success Story

October 13, 2010

Everyone loves the underdog-finds-success type of story.  And that’s exactly what the Medicare Part D program has become.  Born out of political conflict and controversy and facing no shortage of … Continued

Is Harvard Pilgrim the Canary in the Coal Mine?

September 29, 2010

Massachusetts was the first state in the nation to institute a health reform plan aimed at achieving a fully-insured population.  Now, one of the state’s leading insurers could be starting … Continued

Bringing Sense to Health Information Technology Investment

September 16, 2010

The Premier hospital alliance is distributing some important information regarding the “meaningful use” rules that will govern the distribution of federal funds intended to encourage investment in health information technology … Continued

The Unnoticed Success Story in the Medicare Trustees Report

August 10, 2010

The predominant headlines emerging from the release last week of the Medicare trustees report was that the longevity of the Medicare program has been ostensibly increased as a result of … Continued

The Berwick Appointment

July 7, 2010

We’re not going to comment in this space on the political wisdom of President Obama’s decision use a recess appointment to install Dr. Donald Berwick as head of the Centers … Continued