
From the Windy City…

July 28, 2009

I’m very pleased that the Chicago Sun-Times published my op-ed piece that points out how many of the important components of healthcare reform currently have bipartisan support and we shouldn’t … Continued

What We Learned in Hearing Rooms

June 30, 2009

For those seeking insights into the challenges facing American healthcare and the complexities involved in health reform, last week’s hearings in various congressional committees and subcommittees provided a wealth of … Continued

On the Air in NC

June 30, 2009

I want to thank WPTF Radio of Raleigh, NC for inviting me on the air yesterday morning to discuss health reform.  It was a good opportunity to talk about the … Continued

The Problem With Polls — Part II

June 24, 2009

Earlier this week, I offered comments regarding a New York Times/CBS News poll that claimed 72 percent of Americans supported the creation of a government-run health plan.  I said that … Continued

Understanding the Complexities of a Government Health Plan

June 9, 2009

I’ll be writing more on this later, but I wanted to note that Avalere Health, the highly respected firm that objectively analyzes public policies affecting healthcare, today released a report … Continued

Secretary Sebelius and the Medicare Trustees Report

May 13, 2009

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius got it exactly right when she responded to the new Medicare Trustees report showing that the hospital trust fund will run out of … Continued

The Wrong Reaction To The Right Action

May 11, 2009

Today, leaders from hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, health insurers, medical device makers, physicians and organized labor met with President Obama and pledged to cut the health spending growth rate by 1.5 … Continued

Medicare Part D Popularity is Instructive

April 29, 2009

Born out of political controversy and a litany of pundit predictions that it would never work (plans wouldn’t participate, seniors would be too confused by the choices, costs would be … Continued

The Washington Post Weighs In On Health Reform

April 27, 2009

The Washington Post editorial page took a strong position this morning on the role of a government-run health insurance option as part of healthcare reform.  Essentially, the Post asserted what … Continued

The Medicare Access Issue

April 25, 2009

Dr. Marc Siegel, an associate professor of medicine at New York University’s Langone Medical Center, raised some interesting points in a commentary piece last week. He points out, utilizing data … Continued