March 18, 2015
On March 2, the Healthcare Leadership Council, as part of its National Dialogue for Healthcare Innovation (NDHI) initiative, brought together over 70 leaders from organizations and institutions that design, implement … Continued
February 2, 2015
Recently the Institute of Medicine released a report on sharing clinical trial data. This report comes at an opportune time, when talk of health information technology, interoperability and big data … Continued
January 28, 2015
I guess it shouldn’t be surprising that a television news program would give a complex topic like the nation’s healthcare system a treatment that could be described as, well, glib. … Continued
November 17, 2014
There are not high expectations for this lame duck session of Congress. We may see passage of a bill to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline and there will have to … Continued
June 17, 2014
If you’re following health news this week, the predominant message you’re getting is that the United States health system is in exceedingly bad shape, at least compared to other prosperous … Continued
May 29, 2014
We’ve discussed advanced illness management previously in this space, focusing on the challenges faced by Medicare and healthcare plans and providers in examining both the cumulative costs of care provided … Continued
April 16, 2014
Every year in April there is a day specifically set aside to discuss advance planning. National Healthcare Decisions Day – today, April 16 — focuses on educating individuals on the … Continued
March 6, 2014
As policymakers look for ways to address Medicare’s financial challenges and make the program more cost-efficient, it’s inevitable that the discussion will turn at some point to end-of-life care. And … Continued
January 31, 2014
Last year, the book “Best Care Anywhere: Why VA Health Care Would Work Better for Everyone” entered its third printing. The book tells of a Veterans Administration healthcare system that, … Continued
December 3, 2013
The October jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed unemployment inching up from 7.2 percent in the September report to 7.3 percent today. That, however, wasn’t the most … Continued
Kelly Fernandez
(202) 449-3452