
Don’t Let the Facts Get In the Way of a Good Issue

December 9, 2009

When he was a United States Senator, Barack Obama cosponsored legislation to allow the importation of prescription drugs into this country.  White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel was a … Continued

The Battle Against Obesity: Hope on the Horizon?

October 26, 2009

An upcoming edition of the British medical journal The Lancet will feature the results of research into a new diabetes drug that is demonstrating significant progress in helping obese patients … Continued

The O.K. Corral It’s Not

October 14, 2009

Hollywood movie producers love what are known as “high concept” film ideas.  These are plotlines that are so simple – “aliens invade Earth”, “teenage vampires take on mortals” – they … Continued

How Do You Ignite Innovation?

October 6, 2009

The superb New York Times columnist David Brooks has a piece in today’s newspaper that is well worth reading.  He raises one of the most important, and yet overlooked, questions … Continued

Pharmaceutical Leader Calls for Stronger FDA

October 5, 2009

In a speech today at the Cleveland Clinic Innovation Summit, the CEO of one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies called for a stronger, adequately-funded Food and Drug Administration to … Continued

Drug Innovation: The Research and Development Process

September 1, 2009

New data released this week, shows that the biopharmaceutical industry spent a record $65.2 billion on research and development for new medicines in 2008.  There is no question that the … Continued

Life Expectancy

August 20, 2009

For all of the criticism of healthcare in the United States, something’s obviously working right.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, life expectancy in the U.S. has … Continued

A Good Reminder from Minnesota’s Governor

August 3, 2009

With all of the media coverage devoted to the controversial aspects of health reform, most notably the proposal to create a government-run health plan and the possible tax increases that … Continued

HLC Members Urge Middle Ground on Health Reform

July 14, 2009

Over 40 of the nation’s leading health care companies and organizations told congressional leaders today that health reform will not be successful if its “politically polarizing” and wears “the label … Continued

A Way to Find What Works in Health Care

July 3, 2009

When Congress, earlier this year, passed an economic stimulus bill that included $1.1 billion for comparative effectiveness studies, many were concerned that this money included no provisions to include the … Continued