
The Danger of Information without Context

January 24, 2012

If you’ve ever watched the movie “The Sixth Sense,” you see what a talented director and writer can accomplish by withholding critical information from the audience.  In that movie (and, … Continued

A Crack in the Wall

December 15, 2011

If there ever seemed an issue, in today’s political environment, upon which Democrats and Republicans would never meet in the middle, it is Medicare reform.  This is always particularly true … Continued

Change to: The Debate We Need

August 12, 2011

The Republican presidential candidates who participated in last night’s Iowa debate put on quite an interesting, as well as entertaining, show.  With political analysts pointing out that this weekend’s Ames … Continued

Vermont and The Road Less Traveled

May 13, 2011

When it comes to health policy, all eyes seem to be cast toward New England these days.   The high-profile issue this week is Mitt Romney’s defense of the health reform … Continued

The Week’s Most Interesting Healthcare Reading (that you might have missed)

March 25, 2011

The one year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act wasn’t the only significant healthcare news this week.  Here are links to some interesting and important reports you may have missed. … Continued

The Growing Survivor Population

March 11, 2011

For all of the criticisms of our nation’s healthcare system and the improvements that need to be made, there is one undeniable truth that was brought to the forefront again … Continued

Innovation Nation: Recognizing the Benefits of Innovation in Health Care

February 18, 2011

Yesterday, the Disruptive Women in Health Care blog released its latest e-book, Innovation Nation:  Recognizing the Benefits of Innovation in Health Care.  It’s a compilation of recent blog posts, bringing … Continued

Striking A Balance

January 20, 2011

Being a regulator is, by no stretch of the imagination, an easy job. While taking more than their fair share of rhetorical abuse (and, yes, I’ve been guilty of that), … Continued

Discussing The Future of Medical Innovation – In Pictures and In Person

January 11, 2011

In this space, I’ve frequently discussed the need for U.S. policymakers to address the future of medical innovation in this country.  Confronted with an aging population and chronic disease on … Continued

“It’s Not Etched in Stone”

December 10, 2010

One of the great privileges I’ve had at the Healthcare Leadership Council has been the opportunity to work with Ron Williams, a member of HLC’s executive committee and chief executive … Continued