
Disruptive Women and Healthcare Innovation

December 6, 2010

I want to thank the Disruptive Women in Health Care blog and its creative leader, Robin Strongin of Amplify Public Affairs, for allowing me to be a part of series … Continued

Combatting Superbugs

October 21, 2010

CBS Evening News ran a very informative piece by Katie Couric this week on the distressing proliferation of so-called “superbugs,” infections that contain genetic mutations which make them resistant to … Continued

A Successful Summit and Initial Steps on an Important Issue

October 6, 2010

I want to thank the leaders and experts from various health sectors, academia, government agencies, Capitol Hill and patient advocacy groups who participated in this week’s Summit on Physician-Industry Collaboration. … Continued

The Summit on Physician-Industry Collaboration IV

October 4, 2010

Some very different perspectives are being brought to the table as government officials and private health insurers provide their views on the physician-industry collaboration issue.  Private payers are drawing a … Continued

The Summit on Physician-Industry Collaboration III

October 4, 2010

As the summit moves from framing the discussion to getting into the nuts and bolts of physician-industry collaboration practices and principles, some interesting points have emerged: ·         Participants mentioned health … Continued

The Summit on Physician-Industry Collaboration II

October 4, 2010

As the Summit continues into its first substantive session, on the opportunities and challenges involved in physician-industry collaboration, certain points continue to ring particularly strongly: ·         Innovation is critical to … Continued

The Summit on Physician-Industry Collaboration I

October 4, 2010

Throughout the day, Prognosis will feature updates from the Summit on Physician-Industry Collaboration taking place today at the Newseum in Washington, DC.  At this event, 75 leaders from  the healthcare … Continued

Cleveland Clinic CEO on Healthcare Innovation

August 26, 2010

Earlier this month, we posted an item about the new Healthcare Leadership Council initiative, the National Dialogue for Healthcare Innovation (NDHI).  We’re going to be bringing together leaders from healthcare, … Continued

The National Dialogue for Healthcare Innovation

August 5, 2010

This summer, the Council for American Medical Innovation, a group headed by former Democratic Congressman Dick Gephardt, issued a report that raised concerns.  The report said that, while the United … Continued

Perspectives from Eli Lilly’s CEO

July 27, 2010

I just came across an interview last week in the Indianapolis Star with Eli Lilly and Company CEO John Lechleiter.  It’s a q-and-a that is particularly interesting because Mr. Lechleiter … Continued