
Avoiding the Price Control Trap

July 9, 2010

Let’s begin with a couple of basic truths. First, that government-imposed price controls are antithetical to genuine, consumer-focused health reform.  The only way to achievable sustainable reform that improves health … Continued

Good News On The Cancer Front

July 8, 2010

According to statistics released yesterday by the American Cancer Society, cancer death rates have continued what is now an almost two decade decline. The Society tells us that, since 1991, … Continued

New Ideas on Attacking Alzheimer’s

June 11, 2010

Over the last decade, medical science has made tremendous strides in conquering disease.  Deaths from stroke, HIV, heart disease, prostate cancer and several other diseases have dropped significantly thanks to … Continued

The Value Of Breaking Away From The Beltway

June 4, 2010

Whenever I speak to members of Congress or high-ranking officials from federal departments and agencies, I always encourage them to escape from the confines of Washington, DC and gather their … Continued

On Drug Importation, Listen to John Dingell

June 2, 2010

It’s so ironic that it could almost pass for satire.  Some in Congress want to use a food safety bill currently making its way through the legislative process as a … Continued

Health Reform And Medical Innovation

April 9, 2010

Throughout the recent health reform debate, policymakers spoke a great deal about coverage and access issues. There was also considerable attention paid to the challenge posed by rising healthcare costs. … Continued

A Pharmaceutical Industry Leader On The Issues

March 4, 2010

There’s an inherent problem with most news media coverage of the healthcare industry.  The companies, the products, the processes and the issues surrounding them are so complex that it’s difficult … Continued

Putting Things in Perspective

March 3, 2010

The U.S. healthcare system takes no shortage of criticism.  Often, these criticisms fall into two camps.  There are those of us who believe that the United States has one of … Continued

So Exactly Where Does U.S. Healthcare Rank?

January 12, 2010

We hear it all the time.  It’s a nonstop drumbeat.  Healthcare in the United States is too expensive and too low in quality compared to other countries.  Critics are constantly … Continued

Medical Innovation Providing a Second Chance at Life

December 22, 2009

In November, NewYork-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital celebrated the 25th anniversary of pediatric heart transplantation.  In 1984, the Hospital’s surgeons performed the world’s first successful heart transplant to a 4-year-old … Continued