
The Baucus Bill

September 18, 2009

Chairman Baucus deserves to be commended for his steadfast efforts to develop health reform legislation that has the potential to gain strong majority support in the United States Senate.  Health … Continued

Senator Harkin Becomes HELP Chairman

September 9, 2009

Congratulations to Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa on his ascension to the chairmanship of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, taking the place of the late Edward Kennedy. … Continued

Life Expectancy

August 20, 2009

For all of the criticism of healthcare in the United States, something’s obviously working right.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, life expectancy in the U.S. has … Continued

Cleveland Clinic’s CEO on the Focus of Health Reform

August 10, 2009

President Obama has rightly and frequently cited the Cleveland Clinic as one of the health providers in this country that provides the kind of high-quality, cost-effective care that should be … Continued

A Good Reminder from Minnesota’s Governor

August 3, 2009

With all of the media coverage devoted to the controversial aspects of health reform, most notably the proposal to create a government-run health plan and the possible tax increases that … Continued

New Evidence on the Importance of Prevention

July 31, 2009

There has been an ongoing frustration in health policy debates over the importance of disease prevention and chronic care management.  It’s one of those cases in which everyone knows something … Continued

Good News (but not that good) on Childhood Obesity

July 24, 2009

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported yesterday that childhood obesity rates have stopped increasing and have essentially leveled off over the past five years.  That’s the good news. … Continued

HLC Members Urge Middle Ground on Health Reform

July 14, 2009

Over 40 of the nation’s leading health care companies and organizations told congressional leaders today that health reform will not be successful if its “politically polarizing” and wears “the label … Continued

What We Learned in Hearing Rooms

June 30, 2009

For those seeking insights into the challenges facing American healthcare and the complexities involved in health reform, last week’s hearings in various congressional committees and subcommittees provided a wealth of … Continued

On the Air in NC

June 30, 2009

I want to thank WPTF Radio of Raleigh, NC for inviting me on the air yesterday morning to discuss health reform.  It was a good opportunity to talk about the … Continued