
The Daschle Example

June 18, 2009

There has probably been no more vocal advocate for the idea of creating a government-run health insurance plan to compete with private plans than former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle.  … Continued

A Busy Week for Health Reform

June 11, 2009

Some very interesting developments this week:   ·             Observers have been waiting to see where the influential American Medical Association would come down on some of the more controversial elements of … Continued

Cancer Death Rate Decline

June 2, 2009

Last week, the American Cancer Society released its annual Cancer Facts and Figures report, detailing the progress our society and modern medicine is making against this devastating disease.  The news … Continued

Sharing Views On Expanding Access And Health Delivery Reform

May 27, 2009

As I’ve mentioned before, the health reform process taking place right now differentiates itself from deliberations of the past through its openness and welcoming of diverse opinions.  Nowhere is that … Continued

Who’s Against Health Reform?

May 21, 2009

I received an interesting e-mail this morning – no, not offering me discounted luxury watches or the opportunity to move huge sums of money out of an African nation, but … Continued

Biomedical Innovation and Health Reform

May 15, 2009

An op-ed in the Wall Street Journal by John C. Lechleiter, CEO of Eli Lilly & Company, is recommended reading.  He makes some important points about how health reform needs … Continued

Secretary Sebelius and the Medicare Trustees Report

May 13, 2009

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius got it exactly right when she responded to the new Medicare Trustees report showing that the hospital trust fund will run out of … Continued

A Centrist View on Health Reform

May 4, 2009

I think most people believe that health reform should be done on a bipartisan basis, that ideally it should bear the imprint of neither ideological extreme, but rather come from … Continued

Welcome to Prognosis

April 24, 2009

According to those in the know on such things, there is a new blog created every half-second.  That means 175,000 new blogs are finding a home on the Internet every … Continued