Confidentiality Coalition Hosts Briefing on Patient Privacy Law

16731312898_dbe785fbd7_zThe Healthcare Leadership Council-led Confidentiality Coalition, made up of companies and organizations from throughout the health care spectrum, hosted a “HIPAA 101” briefing on Capitol Hill on March 23 to apprise congressional staffers of the patient privacy law’s key facets.

HLC members and panelists included Sara A. Juster, Associate General Counsel and Privacy Officer for Surescripts; Blair W. Barnhart-Hinkle, Director of Government Relations for the Cleveland Clinic; and Jennifer S. Geetter of the McDermott, Will and Emery firm.

The panelists discussed how health information is protected across a variety of health settings, noting that data security is not a one-time project, but an ongoing dynamic process. They also addressed proposals – including ones involving prior consent for access to medical record and restricted access to medical records – which would potentially harm patients rather than help them.

Materials from the briefing are posted here. For more information, contact