Healthcare Industry Leaders, Patient Advocates Will Announce Agreement on Six Policy Recommendations to Improve U.S. Healthcare

Capitol Hill, Media Briefing Will Focus on Achievable Steps to Elevate Value, Remove Barriers to Innovation

NDHI-logoTop companies from all sectors of U.S. healthcare, in collaboration with patient advocacy organizations have reached agreement on six immediate ways in which the healthcare system can be improved – most of which can be achieved even in a climate affected by partisan politics.

The health policy recommendations will be announced in a briefing on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, February 17 from noon to 1:30 p.m. Speakers at the event will include Susan DeVore, president and CEO of Premier, Inc. and chairman of the Healthcare Leadership Council; Andrew Baskin, M.D., national medical director for quality performance for Aetna; Christi Shaw, head of U.S. general medicines and president, Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation; Phyllis Greenberger, president and CEO of the Society for Women’s Health Research; and Mary R. Grealy, Healthcare Leadership Council president.

The six recommendations that will be unveiled stem from the Healthcare Leadership Council’s National Dialogue for Healthcare Innovation initiative, which brought together healthcare providers, insurers, drug companies, patient groups and other health industry sectors to identify steps the Administration, Congress and industry can take immediately to spur high-value, patient-centered care. The process to reach agreement on these recommendations began with a national summit of healthcare leaders last March and continued with collaborative discussions throughout 2015.

For more information or to RSVP for the announcement, please contact Teresa de Vries at