Healthcare Leaders Praise U.S. Senate Confirmation of Congressman Tom Price as HHS Secretary

New Secretary’s Healthcare, Policy Expertise Will Be Invaluable Asset in Improving Population Health, Advancing High-Quality Care for All Americans

WASHINGTON – The Healthcare Leadership Council, a coalition of chief executives from all sectors of the healthcare industry, applauded the U.S. Senate for its vote to confirm U.S. Representative Tom Price (R-GA) as the new Secretary of Health and Human Services.

“We view this as a vote for patients and for strengthening our nation’s healthcare system,” said HLC president Mary R. Grealy.  “Dr. Price brings to HHS the healthcare insights of a practicing physician and the policy knowledge he demonstrated as House Budget Committee chairman.  These are assets that will enable him to begin work immediately enhancing the quality and accessibility of care for all Americans.”

She added, “Throughout his tenure in Congress, Dr. Price has been a champion for combating the rise in chronic disease, emphasizing wellness and prevention, expanding the use of health data to improve care, and strengthening the Medicare program for future generations of beneficiaries.  We look forward to working with him on these priorities in his leadership at HHS.”