Healthcare Leadership Council Applauds Nomination of Alex Azar to Serve as Secretary of Health and Human Services

Nominee, a Former HLC Member, Has Been Long-Time Advocate for Value-Based Care Reforms and Affordable Access to Quality Care 

WASHINGTON – The Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC) today applauded the nomination of Alex Azar to serve as Secretary of Health and Human Services, noting that his extensive experience in both the public and private sectors makes him highly qualified to lead federal government efforts to improve the nation’s healthcare system.

HLC is a coalition of leaders from all sectors of American healthcare.  Mr. Azar, when he was president of Lilly USA, was an HLC member and served on the organization’s executive committee.

“It’s rare to have a nominee who has been engaged at the highest levels of both private sector health innovation and public service,” said HLC president Mary R. Grealy.  “Alex Azar will be able to hit the ground running, following his confirmation, in addressing the challenges facing Medicare and Medicaid and bringing a patient-centered, value-focused approach to healthcare policymaking.”

She said, “In our organization’s deliberations, Alex was always a strong and influential voice for health system transformation to achieve greater value as defined by affordability and consistent clinical quality without disparities.  For as long as I have known and worked with him, he has always steadfastly believed in putting the patient first, and I have no doubt that is the commitment he will bring to HHS.”