Healthcare Leadership Council Endorses Championing Healthy Kids Act, Urges House Approval This Week

Immediate Passage Necessary, HLC President Says, to Keep State Children’s Health Insurance Programs Funded

WASHINGTON – The Healthcare Leadership Council, a coalition of leading companies from all sectors of healthcare, today endorsed and urged U.S. House passage of the Championing Healthy Kids Act, legislation that would extend Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) funding for five years.

“We can’t stress strongly enough the need for expeditious passage of this legislation in both the House and Senate,” said HLC president Mary R. Grealy.  “States need to be ensured that the funding will be there to provide essential healthcare for our most vulnerable citizens.  CHIP is a critical component of the nation’s healthcare safety net and we’re pleased to see congressional action on its reauthorization.”

A House vote is scheduled on the legislation this week.

Ms. Grealy said her organization is also supporting the bill because of its continued funding for community health centers and other public health programs, as well as the restoration of Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) payments for fiscal years 2018 and 2019 that had been scheduled for cuts in those years.

“These DSH payments are vital for hospitals that care for high numbers of low-income and uninsured patients, many with disabilities,” she said. “Restoring these funds is necessary to provide accessible, quality care to communities that are already disadvantaged.”