Healthcare Leadership Council Praises CMS for Responding to Patient Needs, Concerns on Part D Rule

CMS Decision to Not Move Forward with Key Provisions of Proposed Regulations Preserves Integrity, Efficacy of Medicare Prescription Drug Program

WASHINGTON – The Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC) today commended the leadership of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for its decision to refrain from moving forward with certain provisions of its proposed regulatory changes to the Medicare Part D prescription drug program.  CMS, said HLC president Mary R. Grealy, demonstrated its responsiveness to public concerns about the impact the proposed regulations would have on beneficiaries.

“We applaud CMS Administrator Tavenner for the agency’s sound judgment on this issue,” said Ms. Grealy.  “It became clear in recent weeks that there were deep concerns among seniors, patient organizations and healthcare providers about the effect these changes would have on one of the federal government’s most successful programs.  The health and lives of millions of Medicare beneficiaries have been strengthened by Part D’s accessible, affordable drug coverage, and the qualities that have made this program so effective need to be preserved.”

HLC initiated a letter to CMS urging withdrawal of the proposed rule.  The letter was signed by 371 organizations.

“We agree with Administrator Tavenner that there needs to be a continuing dialogue among stakeholders to make certain we’re taking the right steps to protect the health of current and future Medicare beneficiaries.  We look forward to working with her and her leadership team at CMS to continue improving a program that is already fulfilling its public mission extraordinarily well,” Ms. Grealy said.