Healthcare Leadership Council Presents Wellness Frontiers Award to North Carolina Farm Bureau for Healthy Living for a Lifetime® Campaign

The Healthcare Leadership Council today presented the Wellness Frontiers Award to North Carolina Farm Bureau for their Healthy Living for a Lifetime® initiative.

WARRENTON, N.C. – The Healthcare Leadership Council today presented the Wellness Frontiers Award to North Carolina Farm Bureau for their Healthy Living for a Lifetime® initiative.  “We present the Wellness Frontiers Award because when you have a good idea you need to share it,” said Mary Grealy, president of the Healthcare Leadership Council.

North Carolina Farm Bureau is on the front line, providing vital health information to rural populations across the state.  They saw a need.  They provided a mobile screening unit and they have been out serving patients who otherwise might never have accessed the healthcare delivery system,” said Grealy.

The Healthy Living for a Lifetime® initiative has been operational for three years serving nearly 10,000 patients in rural North Carolina.  “We saw a critical need in rural regions of the state.  People were able to see a doctor, they didn’t have insurance and their health was suffering,” said Larry Wooten, President of the North Carolina Farm Bureau.

“We have a mission to help rural North Carolinians. We want people from all corners of the state to have the ability to get vital information about their health and that’s why we have been promoting the Healthy Living for a Lifetime® initiative,” said Wooten.

Congressman G.K. Butterfield joined the awards ceremony praising Farm Bureau for their outreach effort.  “Farm Bureau took on this mission.  They have provided thousands of key screenings; some have even been life-saving.  These events helped provide a safety-net for people who have limited access to our healthcare delivery system.  They have provided more than $2.5 million in care and screenings and have done it working with local health departments and health care providers – making sure there is follow up and additional care,” said Congressman Butterfield.

“I praise the leadership of Farm Bureau for this vital mission and thank them for seeing the critical need and doing something about it.  That get-it-done spirit is what we are celebrating today,” added Congressman Butterfield.