New Campaign Will Spotlight Successes of Medicare Advantage

The Better Medicare Alliance (BMA), ( the leading advocacy coalition supporting Medicare Advantage, has announced the launch of “Medicare Advantage: The Facts Say Yes”, a digital advocacy campaign on the success of the Medicare Advantage in improving care for seniors and people with disabilities.

The Healthcare Leadership Council is a charter member of the Better Medicare Alliance.

From better use of primary care to preventive care and enhanced benefits, Medicare Advantage is improving health care for over 17 million beneficiaries – and the facts show it. As part of the campaign, BMA published an online microsite linking to fact sheets that highlight the latest research and data on delivery of care for Medicare Advantage beneficiaries.

Running in digital, print and display outlets and on social media, the campaign highlights important research findings that compare delivery of care for Medicare Advantage beneficiaries to those with Traditional Medicare. For example, research showing a 28% reduction in hospital admissions for chronically ill diabetic patients enrolled in Medicare Advantage as compared to those enrolled in Traditional Medicare.
Each year, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) conducts a review that proposes policy changes and sets payment rates for Medicare Advantage plans. Preliminary 2017 rates are made public on February 19, 2016, with final rates to be announced on April 4, 2016.

“As policymakers consider changes that impact the care provided to over 17 million people who have chosen Medicare Advantage, it is critical that we share the facts about the value of MA,” said President & CEO Allyson Y. Schwartz. “The data presented in the fact sheets focus on four key areas—demographics, primary care, chronic care, and quality. Each fact is documented from a research or government entity and points to the value of MA in reducing hospitalizations, improving use of preventive care, increasing engagement with primary care clinicians, enhancing chronic disease management, and achieving high patient satisfaction – all goals we share to ensure the best care for seniors and people with disabilities who rely on Medicare.”