New Poll Shows High Satisfaction Rates for Medicare Advantage

A bipartisan survey of Medicare Advantage beneficiaries shows overwhelming satisfaction with the program, with more than nine of 10 respondents saying they are pleased with the coverage they are receiving through their health plan. The survey was conducted in late February by The Winston Group and The Mellman Group on behalf of the Better Medicare Alliance, of which the Healthcare Leadership Council is a member.

The survey also found that, of seniors who have switched from conventional Medicare fee-for-service to a Medicare Advantage plan, 58 percent said their Medicare Advantage coverage was preferable compared to just two percent who favored fee-for-service.

Release of the poll results comes at a time in which a majority of the U.S. House of Representatives has issued a letter warning against proposed cuts to the Medicare Advantage program, writing that “they represent a significant threat to the health and financial security of seniors in our congressional districts.”