
Healthcare Leadership Council Applauds Nomination of Alex Azar to Serve as Secretary of Health and Human Services

November 13, 2017

Nominee, a Former HLC Member, Has Been Long-Time Advocate for Value-Based Care Reforms and Affordable Access to Quality Care  WASHINGTON – The Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC) today applauded the nomination of … Continued

House Vote to Repeal Independent Payment Advisory Board Wins Praise; Essential Step to Protect Medicare Beneficiaries’ Healthcare Access

November 2, 2017

Healthcare Leadership Council President Calls for Immediate Senate Action to Remove IPAB Threat WASHINGTON – A coalition of healthcare industry leaders today applauded the U.S. House of Representatives for its … Continued

House Vote to Repeal Independent Payment Advisory Board Wins Praise; Essential Step to Protect Medicare Beneficiaries’ Healthcare Access

November 2, 2017

Healthcare Leadership Council President Calls for Immediate Senate Action to Remove IPAB Threat WASHINGTON – A coalition of healthcare industry leaders today applauded the U.S. House of Representatives for its … Continued

Healthcare Leadership Council Endorses Championing Healthy Kids Act, Urges House Approval This Week

October 31, 2017

Immediate Passage Necessary, HLC President Says, to Keep State Children’s Health Insurance Programs Funded WASHINGTON – The Healthcare Leadership Council, a coalition of leading companies from all sectors of healthcare, … Continued

Nation’s Healthcare Leaders Urge House Action This Week to Repeal IPAB, Preserving Medicare Beneficiaries’ Access to Care

October 30, 2017

  With Bipartisan Majority Support for Repeal in Both House and Senate, Congress Should Enact Measure This Year  WASHINGTON – With a vote scheduled this week in the U.S. House of … Continued

Statement by Medicare Today Chair Mary R. Grealy on Proposed Legislation to Alter the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program

October 25, 2017

Washington, DC (October 25, 2017) – Healthcare Leadership Council president Mary R. Grealy, speaking on behalf of the Medicare Today coalition, made the following statement regarding proposed congressional legislation that … Continued

Healthcare Leaders Praise Progress, Bipartisanship in Efforts to Stabilize Individual Health Insurance Marketplace

October 19, 2017

WASHINGTON – An alliance of leading healthcare companies from all health sectors today applauded bipartisan efforts to develop legislation that would help to bring much-needed stability to the individual health … Continued

Statement by Healthcare Leadership Council President Mary R. Grealy On Need for Bipartisan Legislative Action to Stabilize Health Insurance Markets

October 16, 2017

The nation must avoid a worst-case scenario in which many Americans lose their health coverage because of the sudden elimination of cost-sharing reduction payments that have made plans affordable for … Continued

Health Leaders Highlight Actions Taken in Addressing Social Determinants of Health at Capitol Hill Briefing

September 15, 2017

The Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC) hosted a congressional staff briefing that addressed social determinants of health and the role they play in the quality and cost of care.  Mary R. … Continued

New National Survey: Nearly 9 in 10 Seniors Satisfied with Medicare Part D

July 24, 2017

Policymakers Weighing Changes to Prescription Drug Program Must Keep in Mind Seniors’ Approval of Part D’s Choices, Value & Convenience, Medicare Today Chair Said WASHINGTON – More than a decade … Continued