
New Survey: Nearly 9 in 10 Seniors Satisfied with Medicare Part D

July 26, 2016

Policymakers Weighing Changes to Prescription Drug Program Must Keep in Mind Seniors’ Approval of Part D’s Choices, Value, Convenience, Medicare Today Chair Said WASHINGTON – Ten years after its initial … Continued

“HIPAA 101” Briefing Focused on Health Information Privacy and Security Issues

July 19, 2016

To clear up prevalent misconceptions associated with the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC) hosted a “HIPAA 101” briefing on Capitol Hill.  Experts discussed … Continued

Nation’s Transition to Value-Based Healthcare Necessitates Modernization of Fraud, Abuse Laws

July 12, 2016

In Statement to Senate Finance Committee, Healthcare Leadership Council Says Current Laws Impede Improvements in Care Quality, Patient Safety, Cost Containment WASHINGTON – In a statement submitted to the Senate … Continued

Healthcare Leadership Council Announces Support for Legislation Recognizing Long-Term Economic Benefits of Wellness, Disease Prevention Programs

July 6, 2016

Measure Introduced by Senators Angus King (I-ME), Michael Crapo (R-ID), Ben Cardin (D-MD), and Tom Udall (D-NM) Will Enable Federal Government to “Go on Offense against Chronic Disease” WASHINGTON – … Continued

Trustees Report Underscores Need for Congress to Modernize, Strengthen Medicare

June 22, 2016

Healthcare Leadership Council Adds That, Although IPAB Not Triggered by Projections, Repeal Remains Essential  WASHINGTON – With Medicare’s Trustees projecting that the program will reach insolvency in 2028, two years … Continued

Hill Briefing Focuses on Private Sector Innovation in the Alternative Payment Model Environment

June 20, 2016

The Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC) hosted a June 20 briefing on Capitol Hill that allowed its member companies to highlight how the private sector is helping guide the changing landscape … Continued

Hill Briefing to Highlight Private Sector Innovation in the Alternative Payment Model Environment

June 16, 2016

The Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC) is hosting a briefing on Capitol Hill where its members will reveal how the healthcare industry is adapting to the changing payment model landscape.  Experts … Continued

Mental Health Briefing Highlights True Cost of Impaired Cognitive Health

May 17, 2016

In a briefing hosted by the Healthcare Leadership Council on Capitol Hill, the hidden costs of depression were expounded upon by leading professionals in cognitive health.  HLC President Mary R. … Continued

Lawmakers Review Cutting-Edge Developments in Private Sector Healthcare

May 11, 2016

Many of the nation’s most innovative healthcare companies, from multiple health sectors, displayed their newest and most exciting products, services and initiatives for members of Congress this week at the … Continued

Health Industry Experts: Vaccines a Powerful Form of Healthcare Intervention

May 2, 2016

The Healthcare Leadership Council hosted a May 5 briefing on Capitol Hill dedicated to innovations surrounding vaccines that drive value for patients and the health system at large. Dr. Len … Continued