
Dozens of Health Organizations Applaud Legislation to Change Congressional Budget Scoring Rules for Preventive Health Initiatives

October 1, 2015

Burgess-DeGette Bipartisan Bill Would Enable Congress to Better Assess Long-Term Savings from Disease Prevention Efforts WASHINGTON – Nearly 80 healthcare organizations, including the Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC), have endorsed bipartisan … Continued

Capitol Hill Briefing Links Evidence-Based Medicine with Common-Sense Medical Liability Protections

September 1, 2015

Healthcare experts today, in a Capitol Hill briefing hosted by the Healthcare Leadership Council, said that adherence to evidence-based medicine will improve healthcare quality and lower health system costs, and … Continued

Nearly Nine of 10 Seniors Satisfied with Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage, National Survey Finds

August 4, 2015

Large Majorities Say Their Plan Is a Good Value, Feel Consumer Choice is Important Feature of Part D WASHINGTON – Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage continues to enjoy overwhelming … Continued

Statement by Mary R. Grealy, President, Healthcare Leadership Council, on the 2015 Medicare Trustees Report

July 22, 2015

“No one wants a future in which the only ways to make Medicare financially secure are by reducing access or undermining healthcare quality.” Today’s report by the Medicare Trustees is … Continued

Healthcare Leadership Council Statement on House Passage of 21st Century Cures Legislation

July 10, 2015

The Healthcare Leadership Council, a coalition of chief executives of the nation’s leading healthcare companies and organizations representing all health sectors, believes the U.S. House of Representatives has taken an … Continued

Statement by Mary R. Grealy, President, Healthcare Leadership Council on the Supreme Court’s King v. Burwell Decision

June 25, 2015

The good news coming out of the Court’s decision today is that over six million Americans in 34 states are not facing the risk of losing affordable healthcare coverage.  Similarly, … Continued

Healthcare Leadership Council Applauds U.S. House for Vote to Repeal Independent Payment Advisory Board

June 24, 2015

In Earlier Letter to Congress, HLC, Other Groups Said IPAB Would Be “Devastating to Patients” WASHINGTON – The U.S. House voted by a wide margin, 244-154, to eliminate the Independent … Continued

U.S. Senate Should Move Swiftly to Join House in Repealing Medical Device Tax, Healthcare Leaders Say

June 17, 2015

Wide U.S. House Vote Margin Sends Clear Signal that Bipartisan Majority Sees Tax as Counterproductive, Harmful to Patients, Medical Innovation WASHINGTON — Following a two-to-one approval margin in the U.S. … Continued

CMS Announces Plans to Allow Broader Access to Medicare Data; Healthcare Leadership Council Applauds Action That Will Elevate Healthcare Quality, Promote Medical Innovation

June 2, 2015

WASHINGTON – The Healthcare Leadership Council, an alliance of leading companies and organizations from multiple health sectors, today strongly praised the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) following the … Continued

Over 500 Healthcare, Patient, Employer, Veteran Groups Call on Congress to Repeal Independent Payment Advisory Board

May 15, 2015

Letter to Capitol Hill Says IPAB, Once Implemented, “Would Be Devastating to Patients” and Will Shift Costs to Consumers, Employers WASHINGTON – Over 500 national and state-based organizations, representing virtually … Continued