
Capitol Hill Briefing Explores New Innovations in Diabetes Care, Therapies

May 14, 2015

Experts from multiple health industry sectors spoke on new innovations in diabetes care and therapies at a Capitol Hill briefing on Monday, May 18.  HLC President Mary R. Grealy drew … Continued

Healthcare Leadership Council Calls For Expanded Access to Medicare, Medicaid Claims Data in 21st Century Cures Legislation

May 13, 2015

WASHINGTON – In a statement provided today to the House Energy and Commerce Committee, the Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC) – a coalition of chief executives from companies and organizations in … Continued

Healthcare Leadership Council Releases Statement on “21st Century Cures” Draft Legislation

April 30, 2015

WASHINGTON – The Healthcare Leadership Committee released the following statement today in conjunction with the House Energy and Commerce health subcommittee hearing on “21st Century Cures.” The Healthcare Leadership Council … Continued

Developments in Precision Medicine the Focus of Capitol Hill Briefing

April 21, 2015

On Monday, April 20, the Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC) hosted a briefing highlighting the ongoing strides in making precision medicine a reality in everyday healthcare.  Dr. Marc Grodman, CEO of … Continued

Capitol Hill Forum Spotlights Efforts to Address Obesity Challenge

April 17, 2015

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, M.D. headlined a Healthcare Leadership Council-sponsored forum on Capitol Hill, telling a large audience that the nation’s battle against obesity begins with community involvement and … Continued

Leading Hospital, Clinical Laboratory Experts Will Discuss Developments in Precision Medicine at Capitol Hill Briefing

April 16, 2015

The potential of precision medicine – the use of genetic data to speed the development of disease cures and individualized patient treatments – to transform American healthcare will be the … Continued

HLC President: Medicare Reform Legislation Delivers Multiple Gains for Beneficiaries, Healthcare System

April 15, 2015

WASHINGTON – The Medicare physician payment reform legislation that passed the U.S. Senate Tuesday night and is on its way to President Obama will have far-reaching positive effects for beneficiaries … Continued

Healthcare Leaders Urge Senate Passage of Medicare Physician Payment Reform Legislation

April 14, 2015

WASHINGTON – The Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC), a coalition of leading companies and organizations from all sectors of American healthcare, today urged the U.S. Senate to support H.R. 2, the … Continued

U.S. Surgeon General to Speak at Capitol Hill Forum on New Approaches, Best Practices in Fight Against Obesity

April 8, 2015

Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, the Surgeon General of the United States, will spotlight a Capitol Hill briefing on progress being made in both the public and private sectors in the … Continued

Healthcare Leadership Council Urges Swift Passage of Medicare Physician Payment Reform Legislation

March 22, 2015

WASHINGTON – A coalition of chief executives of the nation’s leading healthcare companies and organizations today endorsed and encouraged rapid passage of congressional legislation to permanently replace the Medicare Sustainable … Continued