
Over 50 Healthcare, Patient, Employer Groups Urge Changes in Way Congressional Budget Officials Assess Wellness Legislation

September 24, 2013

In letter to Capitol Hill, Groups Say Long-Term Benefits of Preventive Medicine Not Adequately Viewed through CBO 10-Year Scoring Window  WASHINGTON – A letter to Capitol Hill, signed by over 50 … Continued

Survey: Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Earns High Marks 10 Years After Enactment

September 17, 2013

Nine out of 10 seniors are satisfied with coverage; Opportunities to improve program awareness exist across key demographic constituencies  Washington, DC – September 17, 2013 – Approaching the 10th anniversary of … Continued

Gap Rising Between Medicare Reimbursement Rates and Cost of Providing Care

September 10, 2013

Physician Practice Costs Increase By 3X Medicare Fee-For-Service Rate Updates  The gap between Medicare payment updates and the cost of providing healthcare is widening, according to data provided by the … Continued

Quality Improvement and the Healthcare Spending Slowdown

August 22, 2013

Healthcare spending increases have slowed significantly.   While some analysts argue that this is an effect of the recent recession, with consumers spending less money on health services, a major investment … Continued

More Physicians No Longer Seeing Medicare Patients

August 6, 2013

The federal health program that serves seniors and individuals with disabilities is losing doctors who’ll see its patients. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services says the number of doctors … Continued

Medicare Part D Premiums Will Remain Stable in 2014

August 1, 2013

Average Premium at Approximately $30 for Fourth Straight Year The Department of Health and Human Services has announced that monthly premiums in the Medicare Part D program will average $31 … Continued

New Study Challenges Conventional Wisdom on Medical Technology and Health Spending

July 23, 2013

A recent study illustrates how medical technology isn’t necessarily the low-hanging fruit for federal spending cuts that some lawmakers think. The Journal of the American College of Radiology’s July issue … Continued

HLC Hosts Congressional Briefing on Medicaid Innovations

July 15, 2013

The Healthcare Leadership Council hosted a congressional staff briefing on Monday, July 15 to examine private sector innovations in care delivery to Medicaid patients. Speakers included, from left, Dr. Timothy … Continued

Healthcare Sector Continues to Be U.S. Economic Bright Spot

July 9, 2013

A new report issued by the Brookings Institution shows that the nation’s healthcare sector is fueling the country’s economic recovery and that the recession would have been significantly worse were … Continued