
Ready, Get Set, Enroll: Tips for Helping People Get Health Insurance

June 26, 2013

Enroll America has launched a public awareness and grassroots campaign, Get Covered America, to explain how enrollment works and who is eligible. As part of that effort, Catholic Health Association … Continued

More Doctors Using Electronic Medical Records

June 5, 2013

The uptake of electronic health records for managing patient information has hit a milestone. The federal Department of Health and Human Services says more than half of American doctors now … Continued

Mobile Health Converging With Smartphones; Sensible Regulatory Approach Essential

May 23, 2013

Mobile phones and high-tech apps have become a promising means for involving patients in their own healthcare.  And health leaders stand at the forefront of this trend.  Healthcare providers are … Continued

HLC presents Community Care of North Carolina with Wellness Frontiers Award

April 16, 2013

Today the Healthcare Leadership Council presented Community Care of North Carolina (CCNC) with its HLC Wellness Frontiers Award to recognize the public-private partnership’s quality and efficiency in serving the state’s … Continued